Heather RedingtonPsychotherapy & Energy Therapy near Swindon and Cirencester, Wiltshire


Here are details of introductory courses in Heart Rhythm Meditation (HRM) which I offer throughout the year.
A new introductory course starts in January 2023.
Courses are eight weeks long. Each session lasts one hour and includes a range of breath practices, sound practices and spiritual philosophy.
HTM offers a range of simple but profound breathing and sound practices will help you to directly experience the power of breath, when focused on the heart, to bring about changed inner states.

Draw upon the six powers of meditation; posture; intention; sensation; invocation; the inhalation and exhalation of breath which make the practices easily accessible and effective.
The course will also include an introduction to the subtle energies of the element breaths: Earth, Water Fire and Air, through which it is possible to access and cultivate qualities of stillness, compassion, courage, creativity and a sense of the sacred.

HRM courses will be of interest to anyone who is interested in subtle energy and healing, energy psychology and contemporary spirituality.

You will learn to;
Develop a deep rhythmic heart centred breath.
Learn about the different qualities and effects of the inhalation and the exhalation.
Sense your own energy heart field.
Experience the different qualities and effects of the element breaths
Discover the potential of directed heart-centred breath as a form of spiritual activism.

DATE and TIME 26th January-16th March 12.30-1.30pm
COST £80-£0 according to your means

To enrol email hc.redington@gmail.com
Heather Redington is an experienced teacher of Heart Rhythm Meditation which she has studied for twenty years in the UK and the US. She has also trained extensively in energy psychology and teaches energy psychotherapy to mental health professionals.

“ Heart-centred breath is a direct way of creating peaceful harmonious changes to improve the condition of the world”

Heart Rhythm Meditation online courses. Library Image: Path to oak Tree

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